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发布时间:2021-01-10 19:53:35 浏览数:

  Everybody, let me show you around my school. My school is not big, but it"s very beautiful. There is a broad road in the center of the school. In the two sides of the road, there are many green trees and beautiful flowers. In the left side of the road, there are two teaching buildings and a meeting Hall.

  Around the rive, there are some flowers and trees. In spring, we can see many butterflies and other insects. We watch they dance in the flowers. They dance so beautifully. In summer, we can catch grasshoppers between the grass. We have great fun there. In the right side of the road ,there is a library and a big playground.

  There are many kinds of books in the library. After lunch, we often go to the library to find some interesting books. We often read books about animals and interesting stories. We can learn a lot from the books. We do morning exercise everyday, and we like doing exercise.

  In the free time, we often play football and basketball. Last month, we had a sports meeting, we were all very excided, especially when we saw the teacher"s running race.

  We have studied in Songpu High School for several months. When I first went into the school gate and saw my new classroom and teachers I thought I would have a new start .

  The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, Such as Sports Meeting, Science Week and Art Week and so on. We all take an active part in it . I have made many new friends and we often help and learn from each other in study.

  Our teachers have taught us a lot . They not only teach us how to study but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. They tell us is a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well and many other things. Habit is a second nature, so teachers often remind us to make a good habit.

  The year I experienced in the campus really changed me a lot.

  The greatest change is that I learned how to be brave.

  Yes, courage is very important. But it takes me a long time to command it. In the past, sometimes when I met something that I did not ever met, especially when all the other people are good at it, I feel nervous.

  But something changed my mind. After that, I found that I can learn things as well as others, or even far better than others.

  After I have my own computer, I began to teach myself how to type. At first, it is a really hard job for me. I do not even know how to put my fingers on the keyboard correctly. But after a month, I can type 3

  My school is very big. There are more than one thousand students and one hundred teachers in our school. There are more than thirty classrooms, two gyms, a mordern library, four labs and five special classrooms.

  There is a big playground where we often have our PE lesson and play basketball. There are lots of beautiful flowers and trees in our school.

  Our school is so nice that we all love it very much.

  My school is very beautiful .It has a big playground and we often do exercise on it.I have a very happy school life.Teacher there is very good and patient to students.I go to school at 7 o"clock.Our school life is so fine.We have a lot of activities.I get long well with my classmates .I love my school .

美丽的校园作文 我的学校作文500字 美丽的校园作文400字
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