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发布时间:2020-11-28 10:33:37 浏览数:








  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am here writing this letter to you to express my strong interest in the post you mentioned in(报纸/网络等途径)and my sincere hope that I can get the opportunity of an interview and working for you as a/an(职位).The qualifications I possess are as follows.

  As a major in(学科),borm in(年份),I am very interested in(与职位相关的领域或职位本身).The most important qualification I have,I think,is my ability to(do sth.).It is beyond doubt that the ability to(do sth.)plays an indispensable role in doing the job of(职位).In the second place,I have been accumulating experience by(doing sth.与职位相关的事情),which is,directly or indirectly,helpful to doing the job you required well.I am very confident that,by working hard and learning under your guidance,I can be competent for the post.

  I am expecting your reply at your earliest convenience.I am looking forward to seeing you and getting the chance of proving myselr to you face to face.

  Yours truly,

  Li Ming


  As is shown above, in the middle of the cartoon stands + 主题词,which symbolizes + 主题词的另一种表达,+ 同位语即主题词第三种表达 + 表示主题词动作的非谓语动词 (例如:in the middle of the cartoon stands a hot pot,which symbolizes culture,the one containing many Chinese culture symbol. The drawer's intention seems to be highly self-evident and the meaning causes us to be thought-provoking. It is therefore safe to draw the conclusion that + 主题词 + is momentous and fundamental to the mind what food is vital and significant to the body.)

  Not only I, but also the best philosophers and poets also praise that this concept should be a permanent universal values. Obviously, I can think of no better reasons for the phenomenon other than the following two. Initially, the millennia-long run of + 主题词 + left us with a lot of traditions that are extremely profoundly rooted. 加拓展句:主题词 is a kind of emotional strength, which can support us no matter how dark around us becomes.(比如:爱心/自信/亲情/团结/坚持/诚信/友谊/乐观的态度/是一种情感的力量,无论我们周围有多么的黑暗,它都能支持我们。) Additionally, our government's effective measures and policies are playing a significant role in the realization of such a situation(.加拓展句:without 主题句,the heart would break.上面的主题词都可以套进去,比如:没有爱心,心灵将会枯竭。) Just as an old Arab proverb has it, there is a growing tendency for the public in the west to think the significance of + 主题词.

  From what has been discussed above, the most important thing is not to say, but instead to do. Chinese citizens are expected to enhance their awareness that it is an indispensable part for the construction of harmonious society. Only in this way, can we /our country/ the individual have a glorious future.)


  Apparently,the drawer's real intention is not the drawing itself but to remind us a complicatedand realistic problem in today`s society environmental protection has becominga pressing issue in china。Unfortunately, some people cannot realize theseriousness of the matter and continue to do with no sense of shame. What theyfail to understand is that environmental protection as social responsibility isclosely linked with every citizen. Ignorance of social responsibility may bringdestructive impacts on our nation .Maybe, it is time to ask what can be donefor us but what can be done by us.

  画图者的真正意图不是图画本身而是提醒我们去当今社会一个复杂和现实的问题, environmentalprotection 已经成为一个严重的问题。不幸的是,一些人并没有意识到问题的严重性而且还无羞耻的在继续。他们不理解environmentalprotection 是关乎每个公民的社会责任,漠视社会责任可能会摧毁我们一个民族。或许,现在是时候问问,我们能为别人做什么,而不是别人能为我们做什么。

  Forthe sake of achieving the “dream of china” put forward bychairman XI, we should try our best to reverse the tendency. Both of governmentand ordinary citizens should join hands to make this society a better to livein, not only for us but also for future generations. Firstly, relativedepartments should establish stronger and harsher measures, work hard toorganize them and continue working to keep them alive and active, Besides, itis a sensible option for us to lecture the public to enhance the awareness of environmentalprotection, although the drive to fight against it is a long -standing andtremendous one, our joint efforts will eventually pay off .I assume that ahappy and brilliant future is awaiting us, Let's struggle for china's greatrevival.






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